X Factor 2019, Nicola Cavallaro: Like I Could: testo e audio della canzone
Nicola Cavallaro: Like I Could: testo, traduzione e video della canzone

Nicola Cavallaro è un concorrente della squadra di Mara Maionchi degli Over. Nel quinto live show di X Factor 13 ha presentato il brano inedito “Like a Could” che vanta, tra gli autori, anche Tom Walker. Ecco la scheda di Nicola, come riportato dal sito ufficiale del talent show in onda su Sky Uno.
Nicola Cavallaro ha 28 e viene da Catania. Ha servito nel corpo dei paracadutisti Folgore dell’esercito italiano, ora studia medicina ma la musica è da sempre la sua grande compagna di vita. Sempre energetico e propositivo sul palco e fuori, crede nella legge dell’attrazione e che ognuno è artefice del proprio destino. Sul palco di XF13 sarà energia pura.
Nicola Cavallaro: Like I Could, Testo
Saw you again
In top of the night bus
down at the front
with your headphones on
couple days since I seen her
but I won’t make a scene yeah
‘cause I’m gonna play it cool but you’ll see right through
‘cause I’ve seen all your mates and I can’t compete
‘cause I’m nothing like them, they’re nothing like me
‘cause you’re all Chanel and Coco
When I’m all Grandad’s old coat
what the hell I got to lose
Still all I do is think about you
I can’t help it I wish that you knew
don’t get your heart tied up, don’t go falling in love
with somebody new
‘cause they won’t treat you like I could
treat you like I could
‘cause they won’t treat you like I could
It’s all in my head
stuck in a daydream
I walk you home
sharing a smoke
I can see it in the way you don’t look at me
somehow..I can draw you out from my memory
still all I do is think about you
I can’t help it I wish that you knew
don’t get your heart tied up, don’t go falling in love
with somebody new
‘cause they won’t treat you like I could
all I do is think about you
I can’t help it I wish that you knew
don’t get your heart tied up, don’t go falling in love
with somebody new
‘cause they won’t treat you like I could
treat you like I could
‘cause they won’t treat you like I could
Tell me your secret
Promise I’ll keep it
Just say the word and I’ll jump
‘cause you’ll never hear this I’m scared to confess in case it all goes wrong
still all I do is think about you
I can’t help it I wish that you knew
don’t get your heart tied up, don’t go falling in love
with somebody new
‘cause they won’t treat you like I could
treat you like I could
‘cause they won’t treat you like I could
‘cause they won’t treat you like I could
Nicola Cavallaro: Like I Could, Traduzione
(traduzione in aggiornamento)
ARTISTA: Nicola Cavallaro
TESTO + MUSICA: Thomas Alexander Walker, Jon Green, Jordan Riley