Twin Peaks: curiosità sulla sigla e sulla soundtrack della serie trasmessa negli Usa nell’aprile 1990
Colonna sonora, sigla e canzoni della soundtrack di Twin Peaks, leggi le curiosità e le news sul telefilm

Sono passati 22 anni dalla prima tv, in America, della serie cult “Twin Peaks”.
Ancora oggi, la serie tv è ricordata con nostalgia, per il grande clima di evento che aveva generato. Il quesito “Chi ha ucciso Laura Palmer” aveva incuriosito il mondo intero. Anche in Italia raggiunge anche gli undici milioni di telespettatori, su Canale 5.
Era proprio nell’aprile del 1990 che faceva il suo esordio negli Usa, con le prime puntate. Ma, insieme ai personaggi ambigui e ai misteri dei protagonisti della serie tv, la musica e la colonna sonora aveva avuto un ruolo principale dall’inizio alla fine. Dopo il salto, potete leggere alcune curiosità proprio sulla soundtrack dei “Twin Peaks”, insieme ad alcuni video (e cliccate qui se non avete visto di Richard Beymer scattate sul set):
Sigla tv, colonna sonora e soundtrack di Twin Peaks
- La colonna sonora è stata composta nel 1989 da Angelo Badalamenti e David Lynch. In soli venti minuti hanno creato la sigla che è stata poi chiamata “Love theme from Twin Peaks”.
- Lynch ha detto a Badalamenti: “Hai appena scritto il 75% della colonna sonora. E’ il senso di tutto, è Twin Peaks”
- Mentre davano vita alla soundtrack, Lynch ha spesso descritto l’umore e le emozioni che voleva dalla musica di Badalamenti, che ha iniziato suonando il pianoforte.
- La canzone “Falling” (senza parole) è diventata la musica dello show e le canzoni “Rockin’ Back Inside My Heart”, “The Nightingale”, “The World Spins”, e “Into the Night” nelle scene ambientate alla Roadhouse
- Le parole degli unici cinque brani cantati sono stati scritti da David Lynch.
- Un secondo volume della colonna sonora è stata realizzata il 30 ottobre 2007, in concomitanza con il Definitive Gold Box DVD set.
- Nel marzo 2011, David Lynch ha iniziato a far ascoltare attraverso il suo sito web le canzoni mai sentite e le tracce inedite della serie tv (i cui titoli trovate a fine post)
- Nel 1990 Angelo Badalamenti ha vinto un Grammy come Best Pop Instrumental Performance proprio per “Twin Peaks Theme”
- Moby ha realizzato un remix del tema di Twin Peaks, il singolo “Go” del 1991 che campiona il “Laura Palmer’s Theme”
Soundtrack for Twin Peaks
1 “Twin Peaks Theme”
2 “Laura Palmer’s Theme”
3 “Audrey’s Dance”
4 “The Nightingale” (vocal by Julee Cruise)
5 “Freshly Squeezed”
6 “The Bookhouse Boys”
7 “Into The Night” (vocal by Julee Cruise)
8 “Night Life in Twin Peaks”
9 “Dance of the Dream Man”
10 “Love Theme from Twin Peaks”
11 “Falling” (vocal by Julee Cruise)
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me
01 “Theme from Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me”
02 “The Pine Float”
03 “Sycamore Trees” (vocal by Jimmy Scott)
04 “Don’t Do Anything (I Wouldn’t Do)”
05 “A Real Indication (by Thought Gang, vocal by Angelo Badalamenti)
06 “Questions in a World of Blue” (vocal by Julee Cruise)
07 “The Pink Room”
08 “The Black Dog Runs at Night” (by Thought Gang, vocal by Angelo Badalamenti)
09 “Best Friends”
10 “Moving Through Time”
11 “Montage from Twin Peaks – Girl Talk/Birds in Hell/Laura Palmer’s Theme/Falling”
12 “The Voice of Love”
Twin Peaks Music: Season Two Music and More (2007)
01 “Love Theme Intro” 2:21 (*)
02 “Shelly” 2:17
03 “New Shoes” 3:48
04 “High School Swing” 1:5105 “Hayward Boogie” 2:16 (performed by Alicia Witt)
05 “Blue Frank” 5:10
06 “Audrey’s Prayer” 2:10
07 “I’m Hurt Bad” 2:30
08 “Cop Beat” 1:56
09 “Harold’s Theme” 1:42
10 “Barber Shop” 1:25
11 “Night Bells” 2:47
12 “Just You” 3:36 (vocal by James Marshall, Sheryl Lee & Lara Flynn Boyle)
13 “Drug Deal Blues” 3:08
14 “Audrey” 2:26
15 “Josie and Truman” 4:32
16 “Hook Rug Dance” 2:24
17 “Packard’s Vibration” 2:39
18 “Half Heart” 5:31
19 “Laura’s Dark Boogie” 5:01
20 “Dark Mood Woods/The Red Room” 9:01
21 “Love Theme Farewell” 2:34
Il 10 marzo 2011, sul sito sono state fatte ascoltare tracce inedite da Twin Peaks e Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me. Ecco il lunghissimo elenco dei 164 brani:
Tracce inedite, The Twin Peaks Archive
“Deer Meadow Shuffle”
“Deer Meadow Shuffle (Film Version)”
“Just You (Instrumental Baritone Guitar)” (*)
“Twin Peaks (Alternate Version)”
“Annie and Cooper”
“Nightsea Wind”
“Freshly Squeezed (Bass Clarinet)”
“Twin Peaks (Harp and Guitar)”
“Twin Peaks (Nostalgia Version)”
“Twin Peaks (Solo Rhodes)”
“Mysterioso #1”
“Mysterioso #1 (Film Version)”
“Mysterioso #2” (*)
“Mysterioso #2 (Film Version)”
“Love Theme (Alternate Version)”
“Love Theme (Solo Rhodes)”
“James Hurley (Americana)” (*)
“Mister Snooty”
“Freshly Squeezed (Fast Cool Jazz Version)” (*)
“Picking on Country”
“I’m Hurt Bad (Industrial Symphony Version)”
“Western Ballad”
“Preparing for M.T. Wentz”
“Secret Country”
“Dark Mood Woods”
“RR Swing”
“Great Northern Piano Tune #1”
“Great Northern Piano Tune #2 (Josie And Truman)”
“Great Northern Piano Tune #3”
“Twin Peaks (Solo Piano)”
“Girl Talk”
“Birds In Hell”
“Audrey’s Prayer (Clarinet & Synth)”
“Audrey’s Prayer (Synth Version)”
“Freshly Squeezed (Solo Vibraphone)”
“The Norwegians”
“Sneaky Audrey”
“Miss Twin Peaks (Piano Rehearsal)” (*)
“Miss Twin Peaks Theme”
“Lucy’s Dance”
“Lana’s Dance”
“Miss Twin Peaks (Finale)”
“Sycamore Trees (Instrumental)”
“South Sea Dreams”
“Hula Hoppin'”
“Laura Palmer’s Theme (Piano And Rhodes)”
“Owl Cave”
“Half Speed Orchestra 1 (Stair Music/Danger Theme)”
“Half Speed Orchestra 2 (Dark Forces)”
“Half Speed Orchestra 3 (Windom Earle’s Motif)”
“Slow Speed Orchestra 1 (24 Hours)”
“Slow Speed Orchestra 2 (Unease Motif/The Woods)”
“Slow Speed Orchestra 3 (Black Lodge Rumble)”
“James Visits Laura”
“Harold’s Theme (Josie’s Past)”
“Harold’s Theme (The Living Novel)”
“Laura Palmer’s Theme (Ethereal Pad Version)”
“Laura Palmer’s Theme (Ghost Version)”
“Laura Palmer’s Theme (Letter From Harold)” aka “Laura Palmer’s Theme (Guardian Angel Version)”
“Dance of the Dream Man (Solo Sax)”
“Solo Percussion 1”
“Solo Percussion 2 (Grady’s Waltz)”
“Solo Percussion 3”
“Audrey’s Dance (Percussion and Clarinets)”
“Northwest Gulch”
“Dance of the Dream Man (Drums and Bass)”
“Dance of the Dream Man (Solo Bass)”
“Dance of the Dream Man (Solo Clarinet)”
“Dance of the Dream Man (Solo Clarinet 2)”
“Dance of the Dream Man (Solo Flute)”
“Just You (Instrumental)”
“The Bookhouse Boys”
“The Bookhouse Boys (Solo Guitar)”
“Earle’s Theme”
“Half Speed 5 (Leo’s Theme)”
“Hank’s Theme”
“Hank’s Theme 2”
“Invitation to Love (Lover’s Dilemma)”
“Invitation to Love (Bumper)”
“Invitation to Love Theme”
“Lana’s Theme”
“Horne’s Theme”
“Wheeler’s Theme”
“Freshly Squeezed (Clarinet)”
“Freshly Squeezed (Complete Version)”
“Freshly Squeezed (Fast Cool Jazz Solo Bass)”
“Freshly Squeezed (Fast Cool Jazz Version)”
“Freshly Squeezed (Flute)”
“Freshly Squeezed (Mid-Tempo Version)”
“Freshly Squeezed (Solo Bass Clarinet)”
“Freshly Squeezed (Solo Clarinet)”
“Freshly Squeezed (Solo Flute)”
“Josie and Jonathan (The Mill Deal)”
“The Mill Deal”
“The Mill Fire”
“Back to Fat Trout (Unease Motif/The Woods)”
“Behind The Mask”
“Circumference of a Circle”
“It’s Your Father”
“Jacques’ Cabin/The Train Car”
“Laura Visits Harold”
“Phillip Jeffries”
“Teresa’s Autopsy”
“Fire Walk with Me (Saxophone)”
“Wash Your Hands”
“Dark Mood Woods (Studio Version)”
“One-Eyed Jack’s Parlor Music” (*)
“Twin Peaks (Christmas Greeting)” (+)
“Dance of the Dream Man (Fast Soprano Clarinet)”
“Laura Palmer’s Theme (Baritone Guitar Punctuation)”
“Leo Returns”
“Laura Palmer’s Theme (Caroline)”
“Laura Palmer’s Theme (Clarinet Bridge)”
“Laura Palmer’s Theme (Clarinet Strings Bridge)”
“Laura Palmer’s Theme (Dark Synth)”
“Laura Palmer’s Theme (Letter from Harold)”
“Laura Palmer’s Theme (Piano A) TK1”
“Laura Palmer’s Theme (Piano A) TK2”
“Laura Palmer’s Theme (Piano A) TK3”
“Laura Palmer’s Theme (Piano A) TK4”
“Laura Palmer’s Theme (Piano B) TK1” (*)
“Laura Palmer’s Theme (Piano B) TK2” (*)
“Laura Palmer’s Theme (Piano Bridge)”
“Laura Palmer’s Theme (Solo Piano)”
“Laura Palmer’s Theme (Vibraphone)”
“Abstract Mood”
“Abstract Mood (Slow Speed)”
“Slow Speed Orchestra 4 (White Lodge Rumble)”
“Audrey’s Prayer (Flute)”
“Harold’s Theme (Harpsichord)”
“Audrey’s Dance (Clean Fast)”
“Audrey’s Dance (Clean)”
“Audrey’s Dance (Drums and Bass)”
“Audrey’s Dance (Solo Rhodes)”
“Audrey’s Dance (Synth and Vibraphone)”
“Audrey’s Dance/Dance of the Dream Man (Clarinet)” (*)
“Audrey’s Dance/Dance of the Dream Man (Flute)” (*)
“Audrey’s Dance/Dance of the Dream Man (Saxophone)” (*)
“Sneaky Audrey (Alternate)”
“Sneaky Audrey (Audrey’s Investigation)”
“Sneaky Audrey (Solo)”
“One Armed Man Theme (Solo Clarinet Improvisation)”
“Attack of the Pine Weasel”
“Great Northern Big Band”
“Great Northern Piano Tune #4”
“Wedding Hymn”
“Wedding Song #1”
“Wedding Song #2” (“Stranger Nights”)
“Wedding Song #3 (Accordion)”
“Twin Peaks Theme (Solo Harp)”
“Ben’s Battle”
“Ben’s Battle (Solo Flute)” (*)
“Ben’s Battle (Solo Percussion)”
“Ben’s Battle (Solo Trumpet)”
“Ben’s Lament”
“The Culmination”
“Half Speed Orchestra 4 (Dugpas)”
“Half Speed Orchestra 6 (Bob’s Dance/Back to Missoula)”
“Half Speed Orchestra 7” (*)
“Laura’s Dark Boogie (Clean)”
“The Red Room”
“Distant Train”
“Love Theme (Dark)”