Paris Hilton, Crazy for you è il nuovo singolo [audio anteprima]
Crazy for you, nuova canzone per Paris Hilton: ascolta una breve anteprima del brano su
![Paris Hilton, Crazy for you è il nuovo singolo [audio anteprima]](
“you think I’m crazy, only ’cause I’m crazy for you”
Canta così, Paris Hilton, in questa breve anteprima audio di quello che potrebbe rappresentare il nuovo singolo della bella e bionda ereditiera. Non è il primo comeback per lei, dopo il poco fortunato “Good Time” (datato 2013) e “Come Alive” dell’anno seguente, nel 2014. Maggiore attenzione è riuscita a trovare nel 2015 con “High Off My Love” senza però mai raggiungere vendite e riscontri degni del suo esordio musicale, ormai avvenuto un decennio fa con “Stars Are Blind”.
Paris Hilton ha scelto Instagram per condividere il teaser di Crazy for you
Vi terremo aggiornati quando uscirà, per intero, il brano, con relativo testo e traduzione.
Il sound, almeno da questa breve snippet, non si discosta minimamente dallo stile seguito dalla popstar per inseguire una potenziale carriera discografica.
[lyrics content=”
I don’t mind spending some time
Just hanging here with you
‘Cause I don’t find too many guys
That treat me like you do.
Those other guys all wanna take me for a ride
But when I walk they talk of suicide
Some people never get beyond their stupid pride
But you can see the real me inside
And I’m satisfied, oh no, ohh
Even though the gods are crazy
Even though the stars are blind
If you show me real love baby
I’ll show you mine
I can make it nice and naughty
Be the devil and angel too
Got a heart and soul and body
Let’s see what this love can do
Maybe I’m perfect for you
Ohh, ohh, ohh
I could be your confidante
Just one of your girlfriends
But I know that’s not what you want
If tomorrow the world ends
Why shouldn’t we be with the one we really love?
Now tell me who have you been dreaming of?
I and I alone, oh, no
Even though the gods are crazy
Even though the stars are blind
If you show me real love baby
I’ll show you mine
I can make it nice and naughty
Be the devil and angel too
Got a heart and soul and body
Let’s see what this love can do
Baby I’m perfect for you
Excuse me for feeling
This moment is critical
Might be we feel it
It could get physical, oh no, no, no
Even though the gods are crazy
Even though the stars are blind
If you show me real love baby
I’ll show you mine
I can make it nice and naughty
Be the devil and angel too
Got a heart and soul and body
Let’s see what this love can do
Let’s see what love can do (Oh)
Maybe I’m perfect for you
Maybe I’m perfect for you (Oh)
You (Oh)
Maybe I’m perfect for you
Even though the gods are crazy (Oh)
Even though the stars are blind (Oh)
Even though the gods are crazy (Oh)
Even though the stars are blind (Oh)
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