Oscar 2016, Best Original Song: le 74 canzoni in gara
Oscar 2016, ecco le 74 canzoni in gara per aggiudicarsi il posto nella categoria Best Original Song.

Sono state rese note le 74 canzoni che sono in gara per aggiudicarsi il posto nella categoria Best Original Song. L’annuncio delle nomination avverrà ufficialmente il 14 gennaio 2016 e la cerimonia di premiazione andrà in onda il 28 febbraio 2016.
Sono molte le canzoni note e che si sono piazzate ai primi posti delle classifiche internazionali negli ultimi mesi. Immancabile “Love me like you do” di Ellie Goulding per il film “50 sfumature di grigio”, presenti alcuni pezzi della colonna sonora di “Creed“, “See you again” da Fast & Furious 7, Writing’s On The Wall -nuovo brano portante di 007 con la voce di Sam Smith- e ben quattro brani da “Home“, tra cui Feel the light interpretata da Jennifer Lopez.
Qui sotto tutte le canzoni suddivise per pellicola:
“Happy” from “Altered Minds”
“Home” from “Alvin Superstar 4”
“None Of Them Are You” from “Anomalisa”
“Stem To The Rose” from “Becoming Bulletproof”
“The Mystery Of Your Gift” from “Boychoir”
“I Run” from “Chi-Raq”
“Pray 4 My City” from “Chi-Raq”
“Sit Down For This” from “Chi-Raq”
“Strong” from “Cenerentola”
“So Long” from “Concussion”
“Fighting Stronger” from “Creed”
“Grip” from “Creed”
“Waiting For My Moment” from “Creed”
“Don’t Look Down” from “Danny Collins”
“Hey Baby Doll” from “Danny Collins”
“Dreamsong” from “The Diary of a Teenage Girl”
“It’s My Turn Now” from “Dope”
“Ya Rahem, Maula Maula” from “Dukhtar”
“Earned It” from “Cinquanta sfumature di grigio”
“Love Me Like You Do” from “Cinquanta sfumature di grigio”
“Salted Wound” from “Cinquanta sfumature di grigio”
“Hands Of Love” from “Freeheld”
“See You Again” from “Fast & Furious 7”
“Brother” from “Godspeed: The Story of Page Jones”
“As Real As You And Me” from “Home”
“Dancing In The Dark” from “Home”
“Feel The Light” from “Home”
“Red Balloon” from “Home”
“Two Of A Crime” from “Fuga in tacchi a spillo – Hot Pursuit”
“Til It Happens To You” from “The Hunting Ground”
“I’ll See You In My Dreams” from “I’ll See You in My Dreams”
“The Movie About Us” from “Ingrid Bergman – In Her Own Words”
“Bhoomiyilenghanumundo” from “Jalam”
“Koodu Vaykkan” from “Jalam”
“Pakalppaathi Chaari” from “Jalam”
“Yaathra Manoradhamerum” from “Jalam”
“Lost In Love” from “Jenny’s Wedding”
“True Love Avenue” from “Jenny’s Wedding”
“Hypnosis” from “Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet”
“Juntos (Together)” from “McFarland, USA”
“The Light That Never Fails” from “Meru”
“The Crazy Ones” from “Miss You Already”
“There’s A Place” from “Miss You Already”
“Johanna” from “Mortdecai”
“Little Soldier” from “Pan”
“Something’s Not Right” from “Pan”
“Paranoid Girl” from “Paranoid Girls”
“Better When I’m Dancin'” from “Snoopy & Friends – Il film dei Peanuts”
“Pink & Blue” from “Pink & Blue: Colors of Hereditary Cancer”
“Flashlight” from “Pitch Perfect 2”
“Birds Of A Feather” from “Poached”
“Still Breathing” from “Point Break”
“Manta Ray” from “Racing Extinction”
“Cold One” from “Ricki and the Flash”
“Torch” from “Rock the Kasbah”
“Someone Like You” from “The Rumperbutts”
“Aankhon Me Samaye Dil” from “Salt Bridge”
“Bachpana Thaa” from “Salt Bridge”
“Kanpne Lage Tum” from “Salt Bridge”
“Kyaa Bataaun Tujhe” from “Salt Bridge”
“Le Jaaye Jo Door Tumse” from “Salt Bridge”
“Na Jaane Kitni Door” from “Salt Bridge”
“Sookha Hi Rang Daalo” from “Salt Bridge”
“Feels Like Summer” from “Shaun vita da pecora – Il film”
“Phenomenal” from “Southpaw”
“Writing’s On The Wall” from “Spectre”
“Squeeze Me” from “SpongeBob – Fuori dall’acqua”
“Teamwork” from “SpongeBob – Fuori dall’acqua”
“Who Can You Trust” from “Spy”
“Came To Win” from “Sweet Micky for President”
“Mean Ol’ Moon” from “Ted 2”
“Love Was My Alibi” from “The Water Diviner”
“Fine On The Outside” from “Quando Marnie non c’era”
“Simple Song #3” from “Youth”