Dead Weather, Open Up (That’s Enough): testo e audio
Ritorna il supergruppo di Jack White con un nuovo singolo per un progetto di disco che arriverà solo nel 2015.

Il supergruppo di Jack White (sua Maestà White Stripes), Alison Mosshart (The Kills), Dean Ferlita (Queens Of The Stone Age) e Jack Lawrence (The Racounters) è tornato a deliziare il suo pubblico e i curiosi con un nuovo singolo: Open Up (That’s Enough), questo il titolo del brano, è stato rilasciato sotto etichetta Third Man Records, di proprietà dello stesso Jack White.
Si tratta di un rockblues sufficientemente sporco e rauco, tipiche corde e origini del cantante, impreziosito dagli inserti vocali di Alison Mosshart: ascoltatelo pure qui sotto.
Open Up (That’s Enough) fa parte di un progetto più esteso che vedrà i Dead Weather pubblicare singoli di due canzoni da qui al 2015, quando sarà invece rilasciato il nuovo disco del progetto parallelo: nel disco compariranno naturalmente tutte le canzoni uscite nel frattempo, affiancate da ulteriore materiale.
Dead Weather, Open Up (That’s Enough): testo
Have you noticed the rivers and the cloud, they’re not moving?
What about the birds you got stuck on your ceiling, chirping?
I breathe in but I choke, little things make a landslide go
If I knew just the pin to hold in I’d build walls and you know, you know I would
I had expected this end but the end has been written down
Still the years will not dry under mine by our hope that I’m wrong
Open up, open up
I see your roses grew noses and noses go and get broken
And then I hope there’s a place, there’s a sickened feeling
I look into the space that defaced my belief in
Where we are, what it means, and what did you say your name was?
Well say it again
Open up, open up
Mind is faster than pen but the end is so stupid
Like bubblegum in your hair isn’t fair but it smells good
Breathe in but you choke, but you choke on a mouthful
Of everything that you hoped, that you hoped was not there
But it’s here, it’s here
Open up, open up
That’s enough, that’s enough
Open up, open up
That’s enough, that’s enough
Open up, open up
That’s enough, that’s enough
Open up, open up
That’s enough, that’s enough
Have you noticed the rivers and the clouds, they’re all sleeping?
Is it me, or you, who’d stop yelling and screaming?
And there’s a place with the lows and frequencies we’re hearing
Open up, open up
Open up, open up
That’s enough, that’s enough
Open up, open up
That’s enough, that’s enough
Open up, open up
That’s enough, that’s enough
Open up, open up
That’s enough