David Bowie, Nothing has changed è il greatest hits in uscita a novembre 2014 (tracklist)
Nella raccolta sarà contenuto anche un singolo inedito, Sue (or In A Season Of Crime).

David Bowie pubblicherà presto un greatest hits, Nothing has changed. Non c’è ancora una data precisa, ma l’uscita è prevista per il prossimo mese di novembre e la raccolta (tre cd in versione deluxe e due in quella standard) conterrà anche un inedito di cui è stato appena reso noto il titolo, Sue (Or In A Season Of Crime).
A rivelarlo è l’aggiornatissimo sito NME che spiega come Nothing has changed sia stato registrato proprio quest’anno e prodotto da Tony Visconti. Il greatest hits conterrà anche il primo singolo in assoluto di Bowie, Liza Jane, e includerà materiale risalente alle decadi successive, Ziggy Stardust e Life on Mars? comprese.
Sue (Or In A Season Of Crime) verrà rilasciato in edizione limitata il giorno stesso dell’uscita del disco che in Inghilterra è prevista per il prossimo 17 novembre. Ci sarà spazio anche per un’altra traccia esclusiva registrata nel 2014 dall’eloquente titolo Tis pity she’s a whore. La chicca vintage, invece, sarà Let me sleep beside you non inclusa per un soffio nel disco Toy e solo oggi rilasciata ufficialmente in Nothing has changed, in cui troveremo anche una versione registrata nel 2001 di Shadow Man, brano del 1971.
Presto verrà reso noto l’artwork della cover di Nothing has changed, nel frattempo date un occhio alla tracklist della raccolta sia nella sua edizione standard che in quella deluxe. Non ve ne pentirete.
David Bowie – Nothing has changed
‘Space Oddity’
‘The Man Who Sold The World’
‘Oh! You Pretty Things’
‘Life On Mars?’
‘Starman (original single mix)’
‘Ziggy Stardust’
‘Moonage Daydream’
‘The Jean Genie (original single mix)’
‘All The Young Dudes’
‘Drive-In Saturday’
‘Rebel Rebel’
‘Young Americans (original single edit)’
‘Golden Years (single version)’
‘Sound And Vision’
”Heroes’ (single version)’
‘Boys Keep Swinging’
‘Fashion (single version)’
‘Ashes To Ashes (single version)’CD 2:
‘Under Pressure’ (with Queen)
‘Let’s Dance (single version)’
‘China Girl (single version)’
‘Modern Love (single version)’
‘Blue Jean’
‘This Is Not America’ (with The Pat Metheny Group)
‘Dancing In The Street’ (with Mick Jagger)
‘Absolute Beginners (edit)’
‘Jump They Say (radio edit)’
‘Hallo Spaceboy’ (Pet Shop Boys remix) (with The Pet Shop Boys)
‘Little Wonder (edit)’
‘I’m Afraid Of Americans V1 (clean edit)’
‘Thursday’s Child (radio edit)’
‘Everyone Says ‘Hi’ ‘
‘New Killer Star (radio edit)’
‘Love Is Lost (Hello Steve Reich Mix by James Murphy for the DFA Edit)’
‘Where Are We Now?’
‘Sue (or In A Season Of Crime)’
David Bowie – Nothing has changed (Deluxe Edition)
CD 1:
‘Sue (or In A Season Of Crime)’
‘Where Are We Now?’
‘Love Is Lost (Hello Steve Reich Mix by James Murphy for the DFA Edit)’
‘The Stars (Are Out Tonight)’
‘New Killer Star (radio edit)’
‘Everyone Says ‘Hi’ (edit)’
‘Slow Burn (radio edit)’
‘Let Me Sleep Beside You’
‘Your Turn To Drive’
‘Shadow Man’
‘Seven (Marius De Vries mix)’
‘Survive (Marius De Vries mix)’
‘Thursday’s Child (radio edit)’
‘I’m Afraid Of Americans (V1) (clean edit)’
‘Little Wonder (edit)’
‘Hallo Spaceboy (PSB Remix) (with The Pet Shop Boys)’
‘Heart’s Filthy Lesson (radio edit)’
‘Strangers When We Meet (single version)’CD 2:
‘Buddha Of Suburbia’
‘Jump They Say (radio edit)’
‘Time Will Crawl’ (MM remix)
‘Absolute Beginners (single version) (5.35)
‘Dancing In The Street’ (with Mick Jagger)
‘Loving The Alien (single remix)’
‘This Is Not America’ (with The Pat Metheny Group)
‘Blue Jean’
‘Modern Love (single version)’
‘China Girl (single version)’
‘Let’s Dance (single version)’
‘Fashion (single version)’
‘Scary Monsters (And Super Creeps) (single version)’
‘Ashes To Ashes (single version)’
‘Under Pressure (with Queen)’
‘Boys Keep Swinging’
”Heroes’ (single version)’
‘Sound And Vision’
‘Golden Years (single version)’
‘Wild Is The Wind (2010 Harry Maslin Mix)’CD 3:
‘Young Americans (2007 Tony Visconti mix single edit)’
‘Diamond Dogs’
‘Rebel Rebel’
‘Drive-In Saturday’
‘All The Young Dudes’
‘The Jean Genie (original single mix)’
‘Moonage Daydream’
‘Ziggy Stardust’
‘Starman (original single mix)’
‘Life On Mars? (2003 Ken Scott Mix)’
‘Oh! You Pretty Things’
‘The Man Who Sold The World’
‘Space Oddity’
‘In The Heat Of The Morning’
‘Silly Boy Blue’
‘Can’t Help Thinking About Me’
‘You’ve Got A Habit Of Leaving’
‘Liza Jane’