David Bowie, l’addio dei musicisti metal
Jordan Rudess souna, Marilyn Manson scrive, tantissimi altri twittano: i tributi più toccanti dal mondo metal

La scomparsa di David Bowie non ha lasciato indifferente il mondo della musica metal – molti musicisti si sono professati enormi fan del lavoro del Duca Bianco, e si sono riversati sui social network per tributi toccanti. Il tastierista dei Dream Theater, Jordan Rudess, si è spinto a fare una cover al pianoforte, che potete vedere qui sopra, accompagnata da questo messaggio:
“Ecco il mio tributo musicale a David Bowie, con cui ho potuto collaborare sul disco del 2002 Heathen (grazie all’intervento del mio amico Tony Visconti). Ho suonato Space oddity stamattina a casa, subito dopo aver sentito la triste notizia.”
Mikael Åkerfeldt degli Opeth ha un curioso aneddoto sul merchandising di Bowie:
“Stamattina ho ricevuto la notizia della scomparsa di David Bowie. Era un artista molto importante per gli Opeth, anche se molti di voi lo troveranno difficile da credere – ma è vero.
Quand’ero un giovane metallaro, ricordo di aver richiesto per il mio compleanno una toppa grossa da mettere sulla mia giacca di jeans. Ho ricevuto un pacchetto morbido ed ero sicuro che dentro avrei trovato una toppa di qualche gruppo metal fighissimo. L’ho e non ho trovato una toppa degli Iron Maiden o degli Scorpions… ma di David Bowie, del suo disco ‘Let’s Dance’. Ero un grande fan di quel disco, ma io volevo apparire come un metallaro, e rimasi abbastanza deluso, quindi la toppa non fu mai cucita sulla giacca.
Bowie era un pioniere, e non ha mai fatto quel che ci si aspettava che facesse, cambiando spesso la direzione musicale […] Continuo ad adorare ‘Let’s Dance’, anche se io non so ballare!”
Alice Cooper, quasi coetaneo di Bowie, lo chiama “compare del rock and roll teatrale”:
“E ‘difficile sapere esattamente cosa dire quando si sente parlare di qualcuno che scompare. So che ho sicuramente ho perso uno dei miei compagni di rock’n roll teatrale, David Bowie. Entrambi abbiamo iniziato nel rock n’ roll, allo stesso tempo, e in alcuni casi ci siamo sfidati l’un l’altro per spingerci oltre.
La perdita di David Bowie sarà difficile da digerire per tutti. Ci lascia alle spalle una ricca storia di sperimentazione e di invenzione musicale e culturale che raramente si vedrà di nuovo. Era unico.
L’uomo che cadde sulla Terra è tornato dal pianeta dove è venuto.
Condoglianze alla sua famiglia e ai fan”.
Marilyn Manson dice di dover tutto, alla musica di Bowie:
“La prima volta che ho sentito David Bowie, fu su MTV con il video di Ashes To Ashes. Rimasi confuso e affascinato. Ma è stato solo quando mi sono trasferito a Los Angeles, nel 1997, che qualcuno mi ha consigliato di ascoltare qualcosa di più che ‘Ziggy Stardust’, ‘Aladdin Sane’ o ‘Hunky Dory’. Quindi durante un viaggio in macchina mi sono ascoltato tutto ‘Diamond Dogs’, e la mia vita è cambiata per sempre: stava cantando di indossare un mondo di finzione come una maschera, per in realtà mostrare la propria anima nuda.
Non lasciamoci MAI sfuggire quel che lui ci ha donato.”
There aren't words enough to express the feeling of loss in this moment. RIP David. You will be… https://t.co/9N2DkKLzJt
— Slash (@Slash) January 11, 2016
David Bowie, you will be sorely missed.
Bowie's “Changes” and the Ziggy story songs were a major influence for me. pic.twitter.com/N1nkD9h82W
— Gene Simmons (@genesimmons) January 11, 2016
In shock about @DavidBowieReal Never in a million years did I think that we'd lose such an amazing guy so young Full https://t.co/FrvXhkxbRg
— Ozzy Osbourne (@OzzyOsbourne) January 11, 2016
Just came off stage to the news…
Ziggy is my #5 album of ALL TIME and Life On Mars & Space Oddity two of my fav songs EVER #RIPDavidBowie
— Mike Portnoy (@MikePortnoy) January 11, 2016
Truly sorry about David Bowie's passing.
Another one of the Greatest Ones. *Michael*
— Michael Monroe (@michaelmonroe) January 11, 2016
I am grateful to David Bowie for everything he has done for me and millions of others. His art profoundly changed my life! #RIPDavidBowie
— Dave Navarro (@DaveNavarro) January 11, 2016
Take your protein pills
May Gods Love Be With You
#thankyou #inspiration @DavidBowieReal We could be #heroes just for one day
— Sebastian Bach (@sebastianbach) January 11, 2016
RIP David Bowie. Thanks for defining what it means to be a true artist and visionary.
— Myles Kennedy (@MylesKennedy) January 11, 2016
David Bowie: The cleverest and most interestingly brilliant man of our time. What a vacuum he leaves, and how he will be missed. Roger
— Queen Official (@QueenWillRock) January 11, 2016
RIP to a true LEGEND. David Bowie. #DavidBowie
— AC/DC (@acdc) January 11, 2016
Rest in peace, David. pic.twitter.com/9Kv9yM9igh
— Foo Fighters (@foofighters) January 11, 2016
David Bowie really, really was the best.
— Nirvana (@Nirvana) January 11, 2016
Thank you for the music David Bowie.
— Krist Novoselić (@KristNovoselic) January 11, 2016
Speechless #ripdavidbowie https://t.co/Frwk6qRY40
— Rob Zombie (@RobZombie) January 11, 2016
R.I.P. Thin White Duke…You inspired me to be more than a musician.You inspired me to be an artist my whole life.? pic.twitter.com/YCy7JxoOQW
— ⚡️ Nikki Sixx ⚡️ (@NikkiSixx) January 11, 2016
"David’s friendship was the light of my life. I never met such a brilliant person. He was the best there is.
- Iggy Pop"
— Iggy Pop (@IggyPop) January 11, 2016
I simply cannot believe we now live in a world without Bowie. pic.twitter.com/qvMADZ1ryT
— William DuVall (@WilliamDuvall) January 11, 2016
Sleep well dear?thanks for helping me to continually change?my house guest while you were Making Station to Station pic.twitter.com/njVj5iXPfn
— Glenn Hughes (@glenn_hughes) January 11, 2016
RIP ZIGGY… Bowie… LEGEND. ThankU for leaving a legacy. You and Lemmy this year. We know U are sitting in a tin can far above the world!
— Lzzy Hale (@LZZYHALE) January 11, 2016
David Bowie R.I.P. Few artists can only dream to reach his level. Always ahead of his time. pic.twitter.com/1Z7nvNUI8k
— Tarja Turunen (@tarjaofficial) January 11, 2016
Never be another like you.
— MEGA-GEEK MELTDOWN!! (@CoreyTaylorRock) January 11, 2016
Goodbye to the man of many faces. Your art will always be beautiful and inspiring. Thank you. pic.twitter.com/qxcMKcW648
— Andy Biersack (@andyblack) January 11, 2016
The very first record I ever bought was a "Space Oddity". 45 single. R.I.P. Sir. https://t.co/E0NblYp9kn
— Tommy Victor (Prong) (@prongmusic) January 11, 2016
Well, that settles it. If David Bowie can die, then the rest of us mere mortals most certainly are going to #Bowie
— Damon Johnson (@DamonJOfficial) January 11, 2016
… @thebrentsmith "Your face, to face, with the man who sold the world". David Bowie… https://t.co/Geiww8sKUU
— Brent Smith (@TheBrentSmith) January 11, 2016
Man I am just gutted to find this out!!! RIP David Bowie at 69. Had no idea he was battling cancer. Just gutted…. https://t.co/9fxHKWfaQ7
— Stacey Blades (@stacey_blades) January 11, 2016
R.I.P. @DavidBowieReal https://t.co/B1WbtKNOsz
— Eddie Ojeda (@EddieOjeda) January 11, 2016
@TheFrankBello Frank The #NewAnthraxMusic is sounding Amazing Cannot wait for the .#NewAlbum
— Bill #NYROnMSG#LGR (@metalgod41) January 11, 2016
From Suffragette City to Let's Dance to Blackstar, #DavidBowie was a genius through and… https://t.co/EXiOwRUmsr
— Chris Jericho (@IAmJericho) January 11, 2016
David Bowie made his last record knowing he was dying. What a Legend and a true artist @DavidBowieReal https://t.co/NIFnv1omBr
— Jesse Leach (@EyeAgainstI) January 11, 2016
Another legend laid to rest….. much respect #RIPBowie https://t.co/wmszqdnjSy
— Godsmack Official (@Godsmack_Music) January 11, 2016
Very saddened to hear about David Bowie. Timeless music by a fearless artist…thank you.-RP
— Nickelback (@Nickelback) January 11, 2016
R.I.P. David Bowie pic.twitter.com/auP3BvYyj1
— Danko Jones (@dankojones) January 11, 2016
The world loses another rockstar! FUCK! Goodbye Mr.Bowie it was a pleasure to meet you! https://t.co/glVZNex3ca
— T❍mmy L33 (@MrTommyLand) January 11, 2016
Wham bam thank you, ma'am. #AllTimeGreat #RIPDavidBowie https://t.co/8dgYBlJUhp
— Tom Morello (@tmorello) January 11, 2016
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BRIAN'S SOAPBOX: RIP DAVID BOWIE"I woke up late, after a long night, to shocking news. David Bowie gone. He was a…
Posted by Brian May on Monday, January 11, 2016