Dave Grohl, Steven Tyler e Slash cantano Walk This Way per Howard Stern: video
L’esibizione nel corso del 60esimo compleanno di Howard Stern, presentatore americano, tenutosi lo scorso 31 Gennaio.

Il sessantesimo compleanno di Howard Stern, storico presentatore della tv americana, è stato celebrato il 31 Gennaio scorso con una festa mediatica davvero enorme: presenti moltissimi musicisti e personalità dello showbiz statunitense, tutti riuniti per omaggiare degnamente il compleanno del presentatore.
Tra i presenti che si sono esibiti con una performance davvero inedita e divertita vanno segnalati Dave Grohl, leader dei Foo Fighters, Slash (ex chitarrista dei Guns’n’Roses) e Steven Tyler degli Aerosmith, che nella speciale occasione hanno offerto una nuova versione del classicone della band di Boston, Walk This Way, originariamente inciso dalla band nel 1975 per l’album Toys In The Attic e successivamente riproposto, nel 1986, con i Run DMC, primo esempio di vero crossover musicale e votato come uno dei riff più belli di sempre.
La versione per Howard Stern è stata registrata prontamente da un fan presente tra il pubblico della serata; la qualità video non è altissima, ma il suono si sente quantomeno decentemente; trovate il video in apertura.
Tra gli altri, nel corso della serata al Roseland Ballroom di New York dove si sono tenute le celebrazioni, si sono esibiti anche John Mayer, i Black Keys e Jon Bon Jovi.
Walk This Way: testo
Backstroke lover always hidin’ ‘neath the cover
‘Till I talked to my daddy he say
He said, You ain’t seen noting
‘Till you’re down on a muffin
Then you’re sure to be a-changin’ your ways
I met a cheerleader, was a real young bleeder
All the times I can reminisce
Ah the best thing lovin’
With her sister and her cousin
Started with a little kiss, like this
See-saw swingin’ with the boys in the school
With your feet flyin’ up in the air
Singin’ hey diddle-diddle with the kitty in the middle
You be swingin’ like you just didn’t care
So I took a big chance at the high school dance
With a missy who was ready to play
Was it me she was foolin’?
‘Cause she knew what she was doin’
Taught me how to walk this way
She told me to
Walk this way, talk this way
Walk this way, talk this way
Walk this way, talk this way
Walk this way, talk this way
Ah, just give me a kiss
Gimme some, gimme some, gimme some, yeah
School girl sadie with the classy kinda sassy
Little skirt climbing way up her knees
There was three young ladies in the school gym locker
When I noticed they was lookin’ at me
I was a high school loser
Never made it with a lady
Till the boys told me something I missed
Then my next door neighbour
With a daughter had a favour
Took me just a little kiss, like this
See-saw swingin’ with the boys in the school
With your feet flyin’ up in the air
Singin’ hey diddle-diddle with the kitty in the middle
You be swingin’ like you just didn’t care
So I took a big chance at the high school dance
With a missy who was ready to play
Was it me she was foolin’?
‘Cause she knew what she was doin’
Told me how to walk this way
She told me to
Walk this way, talk this way
Walk this way, talk this way
Walk this way, talk this way
Walk this way, talk this way
Just give me a kiss