Cher odiava If I Could Turn Back Time e fu costretta fisicamente a registrarla
Fu letteralmente “costretta” a inciderla nonostante la detestasse

Una delle canzoni più famose dell’intera carriera di Cher è sicuramente If I Could Turn Back Time. Eppure, in base a quanto rivelato da Diane Warren, la cantante non era affatto convinta del pezzo e fu difficile riuscire a convincere a registrarla.
“La canzone che realmente odiava era If I could turn back time,’ e ho dovuto tenerle la gamba giù durante la sessione e le ho detto, ‘Devi registrarla!'”
Immaginate la scena? E la reazione è semplicemente magnifica. Perché Cher ha così replicato all’insistenza della collega:
“”Vaffancu*o, stronz*a! Mi stai facendo male alla gamba! OK, ok ci proverò!”
Come intuibile, alla fine, ha ascoltato il consiglio e ha inciso il brano. Al termine del lavoro ha silenziosamente compreso di aver fatto la scelta giusta nel seguire l’obbligo:
“Lei mi ha lanciato questo sguardo come per dire ‘Avevi ragione'”
Insomma, se non fosse stato per la Warren, Cher magari non avrebbe mai registrato questa canzone. Vi immaginate? Non fatelo sapere a una persona in particolare…
If I could turn back time, lyrics
If I could turn back time
If I could find a way I’d take back those words that hurt you and you’d stay
I don’t know why I did the things I did I don’t know why I said the things I said
Pride’s like a knife it can cut deep inside
Words are like weapons they wound sometimes.
I didn’t really mean to hurt you I didn’t wanna see you go I know I made you cry, but baby
If I could turn back time
If I could find a way
I’d take back those words that hurt you
And you’d stay
If I could reach the stars
I’d give them all to you
Then you’d love me, love me
Like you used to do
If I could turn back time
My world was shattered I was torn apart
Like someone took a knife and drove it deep in my heart
You walked out that door I swore that I didn’t care
But I lost everything darling then and there
Too strong to tell you I was sorry
Too proud to tell you I was wrong
I know that I was blind, and ooh…
If I could turn back time
If I could turn back time
If I could turn back time
ooh baby
I didn’t really mean to hurt you
I didn’t want to see you go
I know I made you cry
[Chorus #2]
If I could turn back time
If I could find a way
I’d take back those words that hurt you
If I could reach the stars
I’d give them all to you
Then you’d love me, love me
Like you used to do
If I could turn back time (turn back time)
If I could find a way (find a way)
Then baby, maybe, maybe
You’d stay
[to fade]
Reach the stars
If I could reach the stars